Exile ©1995 by Jeff & Shirley Vogel Bug Report Form If you find a bug in Exile and would like to see it fixed please fill out the form below and e-mail it to one of the following address. Internet: jvogel@eden.rutgers.edu, Spidweb@aol.com AOL: SpidWeb CompuServe: 76463,1521 SnailMail: Jeff Vogel 14 Easton Ave. #202 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of bug: Game situation when bug occurred: Other relevant information: Version of Exile: Type of PC used: System Information: (Sound Cards, amount of RAM, type of processor, other hardware) Other relevant hardware (e.g., Graphics accelerator card, etc.): ------------------------------------------------------- The following information is certainly not necessary but will help give me an idea how far and wide Exile has spread. Your city/state/country: Where you found Exile: Did you pay ANYTHING for Exile if you found it at a commercial outlet? ------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your help in making Exile the best fantasy RPG game out there. Jeff Vogel Spiderweb Software